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Chateau Issan

Chateau Issan

Regular price ¥8,800 (税別)

ケース価格 (12 本 )

¥102,000 (税別)


¥8500 (税別)
Regular price Sale price ¥8,800
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生産地 マルゴー
生産年 2023
タイプ ⚫︎赤ワイン
容量 750ml
評価 Jane Anson
Wine Advocate
Vinous (Neal Martin) 

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It has a long history and is said to have been served at the wedding of Henry III in 1152. It was once called the two major chateaus of Margaux village, along with Margaux. Chateau d'Issan. The chateau has been owned by many families for many years, and in 1575 it became the current chateau name when it was purchased by the Ethno family. The château itself has been designated a historic monument and is also used as the venue for the Médoc Music Festival. In 1995, the third owner, Mr. Emmanuel Cruz, began to actively invest, and Mr. Jacques Boisnot became a consultant, and the quality continues to improve.
格付け Medoc 3rd class


より凝縮度が⾼く、よりフレッシュさがある。pH はむしろブラゾンより⾼いので、バランスの問題だろうか。きめの細かい、緻密なタンニン。⽢さを含んだ果実味。滑らかで、ややアルコールを強く感じる。素晴らしい品質。

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